Osmosis Facial Infusion in box and syringe, 2 bottles of Infuse and 2 Epic Skin Tools

Epic Infusion

Who is the Facial Infusion for?

Facial Infusion is suitable for both Men and Women, is appropriate for all skin types and concerns. Is great for anyone wanting to bring their skin to its highest potential!

What is Facial Infusion?

Facial Infusion is a medical grade non-acid peel treatment with no down time or epidermal damage that is associated with average chemical acid exfoliation.

Why Facial Infusion?

Facial Infusion is a painless and effective approach to total skin rejuvenation. Heals acne, repairs photo damage, thickens the dermis, lifts hyperpigmentation, restores capillary flow and reverses the signs of aging.

Where can I get Facial Infusion?

A licensed professional must perform the Facial Infusion treatment. Osmosis has an arsenal of well-educated skin therapists equipped to produce dramatic transformations. Please click here to find your nearest qualified esthetician.

FI facial syringe

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